Every game begins with a coin toss to determine who will first aquire the pallino.
The team with possession of the pallino will start the game. The opposing team will choose what color they would like to use. Each team will receive 4 balls total. Each person on both teams must play 2 balls total.
The team reaching 12 points first wins the game. The game is over the moment 12 points has been accumulated by a team.
The pallino must be tossed underhanded or rolled from behind the white line and must at least reach the middle line of the court and must stay behind the white line on the opposing side. The pallino is playable anywhere on the court after reaching the middle line but staying behind the opposing white line. The team playing the pallino plays their bocce ball following the pallino toss or roll. If the pallino crosses the opposing white line the pallino must be rolled or tossed again. In the event of a second consecutive roll or toss of the pallino past the opposing white line, the team forfeits their possession of the pallino and the opposing team gains possession of the pallino. If the team playing their bocce ball first hits the back wall, the ball is removed from the court and the team will be required to play another ball. The opposing team will be next after the pallino and the first bocce ball is legally played.
The bocce ball must be tossed underhanded or rolled from behind the white line. If there is an attempt to hit the pallino or any bocce ball, the player is allowed to advance past the white line but must remain behind the blue line. If the player crosses the blue line releasing the bocce ball, the ball is considered a "dead ball" and is removed from the court for the remainder of the frame. A "dead ball" is defined as a bocce ball that is no longer playable in the frame.
The bocce ball is allowable and playable off the side walls if desired. The bocce ball is allowed to hit the pallino or any bocce balls on the court. If the bocce ball hits the opposing back wall without making contact the pallino or any other bocce balls, the ball will be considered a "dead ball" and will removed from the court and from game play for the remainder of the frame. Any balls struck after the thrown dead ball will be replaced to their original position.
If a team's bocce ball is forced out of the bocce court, the ball is considered a "dead ball" and cannot enter the court for the remainder of the frame. In the event of a team's bocce ball forcing the opponent's bocce ball out of the bocce ball court, the opponent's bocce ball will be returned to the court no closer to the pallino than it's previous position.
If the pallino is forced out of the court, the frame is considered "dead frame" and the bocce balls are returned to each player to start a new frame. The pallino stays with the team that held possession and no points are awarded. The new frame will begin on the same end of the court as the "dead frame." A "dead frame" is defined as a frame that is void. A frame is defined as the pallino and all 8 bocce balls played.
The team with the farthest bocce ball from the pallino must continue to roll, toss, or attempt to move the opponents bocce ball until the team is closer to the pallino or until the team is out of bocce balls, whichever comes first.
A point is awarded for every bocce ball closest to the pallino from the opposing teams closest bocce ball to the pallino. "Bocce" is considered the best frame score and is worth 4 points. Once the frame is finished, a new frame will begin from the opposite end of the court as the previous frame.
The bocce balls are measured with a tape measure to determine which bocce ball(s) are closer to the pallino if there is any doubt about who is closer. In the rare circumstance of an exact measurement with the opposing team's ball, both bocce balls offset each other. A replay of the frame will be required if no other bocce balls by either team are closer to the pallino.
If a player rolls the wrong color ball, the ball will be replaced with the correct color ball after the ball comes to a rest. The ball must be placed in the exact spot as the wrong color ball and no closer to the pallino.
If a player accidently interferes with the bocce balls before the end of the frame, the frame is dead and will be replayed. If an second interference occurs at any time by the same team who caused the first interference, the frame is dead and the opposing team is awarded 1 point for every unused ball and is also awarded the pallino.
A team may use one different partner in the event of a player substitution. If the substituted player was not specified at the beginning of the league, the substituted player must be approved by the opposing team before gameplay.
The tournament will be a double elimination tournament and every team will be guaranteed to play at least 2 games.
Each tournament game will go to 12 points. The championship game will go to 16 points.
Tournament Seeding
The tournament seeding will be determined by the season wins. The team with the most wins will be awarded the number 1 seed for the tournament. In the event of any tied wins or record, the team with the most overall points scored will be the better seed. If the most points scored are also tied, then the team with the fewest points allowed will be the better seed in the tournament.